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Dragonball - Tournaments

21st Tenka'ichi Budokai
Match 1: Kuririn vs. Bacterian

Introduction | Summary | Preparations | First Match | Second Match | Third Match | Fourth Match | Fifth Match | Sixth Match | Final Match

The first match of the 21st Tenka'Ichi Budokai is Kuririn (13 years old at the time) vs. Bacterian. Bacterian is a very ugly, fat guy who's never taken a bath in his whole life. The odor causes his opponents to pinch their nostrils, rendering them defenseless in battles.

The match is started off with a gong, and Bacterian attacks Kuririn with two swipes from his fists. Kuririn dodges both and Bacterian breathes hard in Kuririn's face, nearly causing him to faint. Next, Bacterian reaches his hand in his pants and scratches his crotch. He puts his finger in Kuririn's face, causing Kuririn to collapse on the ground. For his final attack, Bacterian farts in Kuririn's face and begins to kick him. Suddenly, Goku realizes something and yells to Kuririn that the smell's in his head, because Kuririn has no nose!

Bacterian is angry that Kuririn has no nose and starts to spit phlegm at him. Kuririn dodges each ball of it and kicks Bacterian in the face. After farting in Bacterian's face, Kuririn gets him to say "mercy."

Bacterian vs. Kuririn

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