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Dragonball - Tournaments

22nd Tenka'ichi Budokai
(Dragonball Manga - Tales 112-134)
Preliminary Matches

Introduction | Preliminary Matches | First Match | Second Match | Third Match | Fourth Match
Fifth Match | Sixth Match | Final Match

There are 182 contestants in the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budokai. Luckily, Goku, Kuririn, Yamcha, Kame Sen'nin (as Jackie Chun), and Tsuru Sen'nin's students are all split up in different blocks.

Yamcha and Kuririn easily beat their first opponents. Goku is able to feel that Tenshinhan is a powerful fighter. Tenshinhan's first opponent ends up needing a stretcher after being knocked out.

Goku's first opponent is a legendary martial artist named King Chappa, who once won a Tenka'ichi Budokai without being hit once. Goku wins the match easily by eventually knocking his opponent out of bounds. What's strange is after jumping in the air, Goku uses the ceiling to bounce off of, so I guess that's not considered out of bounds... Jackie Chun easily knocks his first opponent unconscious.

The 8 semi-finalists end up being Goku, Kuririn, Yamcha, Kame Sen'nin, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, Man-Wolf, and Panpoot. Tenshinhan has Chaozu use his mental powers to rig the random number drawings that determine who is set up with who. The lined up matches end up being: Yamcha vs. Tenshinhan, Man-Wolf vs. Jackie Chun, Chaozu vs. Kuririn, and Panpoot vs. Goku.

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