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Dragonball - Vehicles

Welcome to the Vehicles section, where I will discuss several vehicles in Dragonball and Dragonball Z. These are put in order, going in this order: DBZ series, DBZ TV Special, then DBZ movies. Each vehicle listing will include a picture of the vehicle, its name, and a summarized description.

Vehicles 1-10 | Vehicles 11-20 | Vehicles 21-27

Convertible Aircar

Convertible Aircar

This aircar is seen during the Trunks TV Special, when Android 17 is using it to run over people. This car can fly high off of the ground and the driver seat is on the left side of the car. When Android 18 convinces 17 to stop using this car, he hops out, causing it to fly out of control into a building.

Capsule Corp. Submarine

Capsule Corp. Submarine

This submarine is seen during the Trunks TV Special when the report of another city being destroyed is on the news. Pu'ar, Oolong, and Roshi are listening to the report on the radio while submerged near the Kame House. The periscope is used to watch for the androids. The capsule used for this vehicle is Capsule #80.

Bulma and Trunk's Time Machine

Bulma and Trunk's Time Machine

This vehicle is created during the Trunks TV Special by Bulma, to send Trunks to the past to prevent the Androids from killing all the Z-Fighters. After killing Freezer and King Cold, Trunks reveals his past and tells Goku that he and the others must train to fight the androids. He also gives Goku a cure for his upcoming heart disease and returns to his future. He uses this machine again later on in Dragonball Z to get to and from his time frame.

Goku and Chichi's Neighbors' Aircar

Goku's and Chichi's Neighbors' Aircar
This is first seen in Japanese Episode #125, after Chichi's near death encounter with a wild boar. She is walking along the road, sad and dirty, with her bag of groceries when she sees some neighbors drive by happily in their air car. She begins to feel loathsome as a result and realizes that Goku needs to have a driver's license like everyone else.

Student Driver Cars

Student Driver Cars

These cars are seen during Japanese Episode 125, when Goku and Piccolo are forced to go to a driving school by Chichi, who won't feed them until they get licenses. Goku drives yellow cars and Piccolo drives red ones. The first car is destroyed by Goku, who takes off the steering wheel when the instructor asks for it, causing them to land in a pond. Next, Piccolo and Goku accidentally destroy the cars they are driving when they ram into each other while racing. They again demolish their cars when they run into each other outside of the driving school. Immediately after that, Goku and Piccolo fly out of the cars to rescue a bus load of children that falls off of a cliff.

Turles's Spaceship

Turles's Spaceship

This vehicle only makes its appearance in Dragonball Z Movie 3. Turles uses this spaceship to get to the planet Earth to find out what Goku's been doing all this time. The interior is much larger than a saiyajin space craft, considering it holds his entire crew instead of just one person. We never get to see this spaceship land though and it only makes its appearance 2-3 times in the beginning of the movie.

Turles's Spider Scouter

Turles's Spider Scouter

This robot is sent to Earth to find out what the Earth's conditions are. It originally lands in a ball form and starts a massive forest fire in the forest that Bulma, Gohan, Oolong, and Kuririn are camping in. Gohan and Kuririn restore the forest with the dragonballs after putting the fire out. The next day, long legs spout out of the ball, forming a spider-like robot that scouts the forest and sends back the earth's conditions to Turles and his crew.

Vehicles 1-10 | Vehicles 11-20 | Vehicles 21-27

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Section created: 11/7/99 | Section updated: 12/14/04

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