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"State of the Dimension Address: Year 2"
Written: August 4, 2001

Wow, it's hard to believe that this site is two years old now. If you've been following this site since its beginning, you'll know that it has been through a lot and has changed a good deal. At first, I wasn't going to write this editorial, since the last one I wrote summed up a lot of what I was going to say. But, last night I got to thinking about it and came up with a whole lot of things that I needed to address. It was then that I came up with a plan for the future and realized that this site may be able to live on for several more years.

First of all, I am going to address my plan for this site over the next year. I have decided that I am going to go all out on the Vehicles and Reviews sections. There are so many more vehicles that I can add to the Vehicles section. As for Reviews, I want to get all of the DB/Z/GT movies, TV specials, and OVA's done (summarized and reviewed). After that, I want to move on to reviewing the FUNimation DVD's and maybe even other anime DVD's and series as well. I also want to complete some sections that I've been working on for a long time, such as the Saiya-jin section, Episode Summaries section, Bodycounts, and some others.

Starting August 18th, I probably won't be able to update much until I get vacations from college, but hey it's better than shutting this site down. I used to have thoughts of shutting this place down, but one day I read an editorial and it hit me that there really is no reason to do such a thing. The only way that this site'll be shutting down is if something catastrophic occurs, like hypermart shutting us down or something (hopefully this site'll be located somewhere else by then).

I would also like to get some unique sections up in the next year. I'm already working on one, but I have no idea when it'll be done. It's something I've never seen on any other site, and hopefully it will be entirely unique to this one (if I end up finishing it). Keep in mind that one day soon I will probably have to close down the Screenshots section, eliminating the last remaining multimedia here. But if you have a problem with a site that has no multimedia, then go somewhere else and check back here later. I have no time for close-minded people who only care about multimedia... you can find plenty of that on other sites.

I also predict that the internet market will go back up again. It's still not doing very well, but I believe the internet will have a business cycle of its own. Let's just hope that it starts going back up soon. If it does, host sites won't have to be as concerned over bandwith and storage as they are now.

I predict that by the time I'm out of college, the Dragonball craze will be at an all time low. When all of Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT has been aired on Cartoon Network, the craze will die down and the internet hits especially. By then, I plan on this site being an all-anime type of site, where I review and offer information on all sorts of different anime series. So, even four-five years from now, I hope that this site will still be around.

I also got to thinking about anime fandom as I was trying to sleep last night. I believe that the more in the future you go, the larger of an age range you'll find for anime fans. Anime is getting more and more popular each year in the U.S. as the number of series offered increases, broadcasted shows increase, and the distribution of titles in different formats increases. Anime is becoming more of a common thing in the U.S., just as video games started to become more of a common thing when the NES came out. Why don't you see many 40 year old anime fans? Anime wasn't something Americans grew up with when they were our age. They grew up seeing Cartoons, which explains why most of them (not all, I know there are some 40 year old or older anime fans out there) believe that anything animated is for children. I predict this will change in the future. 40 years from now, I bet that you'll find a good amount of senior citizen anime fans, some of which are still even otakus hehe. The same goes for gaming. Even though some exist, you don't find many 30 year old or older gamers, but you will in the future.

I don't see an end in sight for my interest in anime. Each year, I buy anime at a higher rate than the previous one. I've been a fan of anime for five years, since 1996 when I first got into Dragonball Z. I am getting into more and more titles all the time and my love for it all never stops growing. As long as my interest doesn't dissolve, this website shouldn't either. I'll stick with having Dragonball on this site always, but I plan on going into other titles as well, when the U.S.'s interest for Dragonball begins to decrease. Dragonball Z should only have one or two (I heard there were two seasons left... but I dunno about that) more years left of new episodes on Cartoon Network. Dragonball will have atmost three seasons and Dragonball GT atmost two. Season 5 of DBZ starts this fall, along with Season 1 of Dragonball. If Dragonball GT is shown after all of Dragonball is shown on Cartoon Network, then that means all new episodes of anything Dragonball will be over in atmost 5 years. During that time, I plan on increasing in the content I discussed earlier in this editorial. I seriously doubt that a plea for hosting will be turned down if this site has: all of the DB/Z/GT Japanese Episodes, Movies, TV Specials, and OVA's summarized, all of the Movies, TV Specials, and OVA's reviewed, and several unique sections with a great load of content in them. A new design wouldn't hurt either ^_^;;;

It's good to see that this site is still around after two years of being on the internet. I just hope it'll be around for several more years to come. I still have a lot more stuff to offer but I just have to get around to creating and uploading it all.

-Sir Viktor-

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