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DBZ Chapter 51: The Mysterious Spaceship

Kuririn volunteers Bulma to go with Mr. Popo, since she's the technical person of the group. She slowly crawls onto Mr. Popo's magic carpet and they both instantaneously arrive at a cold wasteland, which Mr. Popo tells her is Yunzabit Heights. She thinks he has brought her here to rape her, but he leads her to the spaceship, which he tells her Kami-sama most likely used to get to the Earth. He reflects on when Kami-sama reflected on the spaceship. Kami-sama once said that there was a note in the ship from his parents, telling him to wait for them. So, Kami-sama waited for 20-30 years, until he gave up and left the place. Mr. Popo reveals Kamisa-am used the word "Piccolo" to get in. A part of the spaceship lowers to the ground and they get on it. Mr. Popo tells her it closes with the word "Piccolo," and sure enough, it takes them up, and inside the craft. Bulma and Mr. Popo figure out that the thing must be all voice-operated, so the knobs on the control panel must be used as voice-reading devices. Mr. Popo reveals that he speaks Namek, and Bulma gets him to tell the ship to take them to Jupiter. He does so, and sure enough it takes them to Jupiter very fast (The window on the front is broken though... so why didn't they get sucked into space?).
DBZ Chapter 51: 3...2...1...Lift Off!

Bulma tells everyone in the hospital room about Kami-sama's spaceship and finds out Mr. Popo will not be able to go with her (since he cannot leave with Kami-sama gone), so he will teach her Namekian. She tells everyone that someone needs to come with her. Muten Roshi volunteers, but she refuses to let him go. Then, Kuririn and Gohan offer to go. Chi-Chi starts giving Gohan excuses for why he can't go, and he tells her to be quiet, because he knows he has to go for everyone who died. At last, the day of departure comes and Bulma is angry, since she went to all the trouble in preparing for space while everyone else going shows up in normal clothes. Gohan shows up with a new haircut and dress-up clothes. Eventually, they depart for Namek and Gohan and Bulma change into different outfits.
DBZ Chapter 52: The Return of Vegeta

As the journey to Namek continues, we see Bulma walking around in her underwear (woohoo!) as Gohan and Kuririn image-train in their minds against each other. They come back to consciousness, suprised at how powerful the other is. They all wonder what happened to Vegeta, thinking he must be healing with the help of the aliens that he mentioned who bought the planets that saiyajins conquered. Then, we see Vegeta's spacepod landing at Freeza Planet #79. Some of Freeza's men come out and take Freeza in to a healing room, where he is placed in a rejuvination tank. When he is healed, he walks out naked and the medical worker is stunned at how much damage Vegeta took. Vegeta believes his tail will grow back, and refuses to take the scouter that is offered to him. He leaves the room and Kiwi (that is how it is spelled in the manga) stops him, laughing at Vegeta's invincible saiyajin team was beaten. Vegeta learns from Kiwi that Freeza overheard about the dragonballs through their scouters. Freeza has also already gone to Namek, where he will collect the dragonballs, wish for eternal youth and life, and annihalate the Namekians afterward. In a fury, Vegeta takes off to Planet Namek.

DBZ Chapter 53: Planet Namek, Cold and Dark

Bulma, Kuririn, and Gohan land on the Planet Namek. Bulma starts to carry out calculations to check the atmospheric composition, but falls down when she notices Kuririn and Gohan have just walked on out. She comes out and yells at them, pulling out her dragon radar to check for the dragonballs. Kuririn wonders what she's mad about now and Gohan tells him maybe because they got off first. She detects the dragonballs and dances around with Kuririn happily. Then, Gohan notices some strong chi and Kuririn agrees. They feel alot of strong chi's and Bulma guesses that they're probably Nameks. But, Gohan and Kuririn know that it is evil chi that they feel. Kuririn laughs, thinking of course they're Namekians, but then they all notice a saiyajin space pod that lands a distance away from them. Kuririn yells for Gohan to lower his chi so they aren't detected. Bulma contacts Kame Sen'nin, telling him that they saw a saiyajin space pod. After she finishes talking to him, another saiyajin space pod lands. At some Namekian village, we see that some aliens (including Freeza) have already gathered four of the dragonballs and that Freeza knows Vegeta is after them. Some alien (who we find out is Zarbon) tells Freeza that Kiwi has arrived and is pursuing Vegeta, as well as the two mysterious readings which suddenly appeared and then dissapeared. Meanwhile, Kiwi starts to head for Vegeta.
DBZ Chapter 54: The Mysterious Strangers

Kiwi heads for Vegeta, happy that he finally has orders to kill him. Vegeta laughs that Kiwi thinks he can kill him. Bulma goes to leave for earth, but some of Freeza's men arrive, investigating the power level fluctuations. Freeza's men detect Kuririn's and Gohan's power levels as being very small, so they decide to attack the spaceship so that they can't escape. Kuririn tells Gohan to release his chi, and they charge up. This suprises the two of Freeza's men who immediately get slammed into the water close by. Zarbon tells Freeza about the sudden power level rising and vanishing. He reports the power levels as being 1500 and Freeza decides that he would like to learn about them, but if they are found again they are to be eliminated. Gohan and Kuririn tell Bulma that they gotta hide somewhere and the Namekians can fix their spaceship another time. Kiwi also confronts Vegeta, who tells Kiwi that he learned how to conceal his true power from his experiences on Earth.
DBZ Chapter 55: The True Power!

Kiwi is unable to believe Vegeta's constantly increasing power. When the scouter reaches 22,000, Kiwi's and Zarbon's scouters explode. Zarbon tells Dadoria and Freeza that the power-counter of 22,000 must've been a malfunction. Dadoria agrees and tells them his scouter is the newest on the market, so his should be right. Then, he checks it and sees it's 24,000. Freeza tells him it's no surprise to him, since Vegeta has long been on the front lines and has no doubt learned new tricks from fighting on Earth. Freeza knows that Vegeta must be after the Dragonballs too. Kiwi offers an alliance between himself and Vegeta. This just angers Vegeta more, so he gets Vegeta to turn around by saying, "Oh!! Master Freeza!!!" Then, Kiwi fires multiple blasts at Vegeta and thinks that Vegeta was killed. Then, Kiwi finds out Vegeta is behind him and Vegeta tells Kiwi that since his power has increased, his speed has too. Plus, his rage is increasing 'with each of Kiwi's stupid assaults'. Kiwi flies away in fear and Vegeta intercepts him, punching him in the stomach. Then Vegeta blows Kiwi up from the inside, just like how he blew up the injured Saibaman. Vegeta decides that he will get and hold onto one Dragonball and then will find a way to take the rest from Freeza. Freeza and his men detect the location of the fifth dragonball and head toward it. Kuririn senses a strong chi heading right at where he, Gohan, and Bulma are.

Previous: Chapters 46-50 | Next: Chapters 56-60

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