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"Sleazy Acts That Anger Me"
Written: May 5, 2000

These days, alot of sites are achieving alot of success with.. well.. nothing! I see sites out there that don't have anything but stuff that we've all seen, yet they get more hits than me. I really have no idea why or how this happens but it does.

Now, let the ranting begin!!

First of all, I HAVE NOTHING against, but they had major success with very little content for a long time. All they used to have was a nice design, and basically no content whatsoever. Now they have some content, which makes everything fine and dandy. However, for a long period of time they really didn't have much at all, yet they were still raking in the hits...

Okay, here's something that makes me want to hit the culprit in the head with a sledgehammer... And that's putting a counter on every HTML of their site. This is totally wrong and should NOT be done. It causes the site to have about 15 times more hits... at the very least. It is a very cheap and sleazy way to achieve high hits and it should be stopped by anyone who's doing it. I could have around 60,000+ hits if I did that.. but I am an honest person, unlike sooo many people out there.

Alot of sites copy off of Planet Namek's news too... I don't care if I offend you or not, but I know alot of you out there copy Planet Namek's news. Alot of people even simply copy and paste it to there site, while others reword it. I can tell if someone's using their news and it is a dishonest practice. This is why I don't repost Planet Namek's news on this site.. because it's PLANET NAMEK'S news.. not mine. I just add minor notes of things I hear of onto the Rumors and News page and I DO admit that I heard some of it at Planet Namek's site. Most sites that copy Planet Namek's news and either claim it as their own or say they found out about it too... but we all know the truth.

Then, one of the most common things I've been seeing on the net. And that is sites copying Greg Werner's material (primarily his Attack List, Character List, and Timeline). So called "original" sites do this... even though we all know where the stuff came from. Come on, just give the man some credit! I bet he worked for hours upon hours upon hours to make that thing and all the fools do is steal it, or say their "attack list/character list" is a gathering of information all over the net, even though it's obviously Greg's.

And then, there are the losers who are jealous of everyone else's success... They email the major site owners with link requests. If those site owners are brave enough to not pity them and add their link, then the morons start sending hate mail and flodding their guestbooks. People who do this are losers who have no lives, basing all of their life around their computer. If they're insulted in any way, shape, or form then they think they need to pay back everyone who made them feel bad. If you don't like their methods of things, go bang your head against the wall and deal with it.

There is also something that bugs me, as well as other Dragonball Site Owners... and that is unrepliable-to email. I hate it when someone emails me and I am unable to email them back. That is cowardice and if you can't take a reply, then please don't bother sending the email. Common ways of people doing this is either: 1) not accepting other mail from non-AOLers, 2) blocking your address, or 3) simply not having a repliable email address. Not allowing us to respond is very frustrating... and I'm sure I am speaking for all Dragonball Site Owners.

Finally, there's the FUNimation Sucks Editorials. Some of these are actually pretty good, providing some neat observations and cool insights. Although a majority of these are the same things over and over again of things we already know. Some of these were good in the past, but now they're kind of getting old. We get it people! FUNimation's voices are horrible and they need the Japanese music. We all know these things and that Sunrise rocks so you can start writing about something else!

Well, that's about all the ranting that I have for this editorial. If you read this whole thing, then I thank you for having a good attention span. Give yourself a good pat on the back! If any of these apply to you, please change your ways. An original site is what makes a site good... not copied material! Try to make some things you've never seen on any other sites and the rewards will be great... trust me.

-Sir Viktor-

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