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Dragonball - Majin Buu

Idea: I came up with the idea for this section when I realized just how complex the whole Majin Buu story is. Since I was already summarizing every Majin Buu episode I decided I may as well clear up everything for everyone by devoting a section to this character, or characters rather.

Meaning: Majin Buu means Demon Buu, so Buu is his name and he is a demon. This also goes for Super Saiya-jin Goku, who is a Super Saiya-jin and his name is Goku. Ma means demon, hence the name Ma Junior for Piccolo, but jin means people. This is how the Japanese names Namek Sei-jin (people of Namek) and Saiya-jin (Saiya people) come about, meaning that the English word Saiyan is a correct translation for Saiya-jin. Jin is basically the same thing for the Japanese as certain suffixes are for us. For example: America - n, for an America person and Africa - n, for an Africa person. It's harder to explain then it is to understand, trust me.

Where does Majin Buu come from? Majin Buu was created by the evil majician Bibidi (long before the Dragonball Z timeline) as a tool to win battles. For reasons that are actually unexplained, Bibidi sealed Majin Buu in an egg; probably because Majin Buu was being bad or disobeying too many orders. Bibidi's son, Babidi, took it upon himself to start a reign of terror over the Earth using Majin Buu. However, the egg needed to be fueled with a certain amount of power before it could hatch. In order to do this, he possessed two fighters and had them participate in the Tenka'ichi Budokai. They were given a device to steal power from either multiple people or a warrior with great power. When they set their sights on Gohan, they received so much power in the device that they didn't need to get power from anyone else. This power wasn't enough to release Majin Buu though. Goku and the others, lead by Kaioshin and Kibit, followed Babidi's servants to his spaceship. Once there, they were attacked by Darbura, who killed Kibit and turned Piccolo and Kuririn into stone. The only way to reverse this spell was to kill Dabura, so Kaioshin, Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta went into Babidi's spaceship to find him. As Majin Buu and Darbura watched them face many trials of battle, they discovered Vegeta would be a good person to possess. Vegeta allows himself to get possessed to gain great power from the process and as an excuse to settle things with Goku once and for all. As he and Goku fight a huge battle, Babidi uses the opportunity to steal all the power used in the battle toward Majin Buu's egg. Meanwhile, Kaioshin and Gohan try to stop Babidi's plans, but Gohan is unable to destroy the egg with any blasts. Eventually, the egg gets enough energy to open and all of the gaseous material inside goes into the sky and forms the first Majin Buu we see in Dragonball Z, fat Majin Buu. Along the way, there are many, many forms of Majin Buu. Since it would be too confusing to explain them all in paragraphs, I decided to use tables and pictures instead.

Majin Buu's Abilities: Throughout Dragonball Z, we see that Majin Buu possesses many abilities. We find that Majin Buu can transform pretty much anything into... well, pretty much anything (his favorites being candy and chocolate, we also see him transform people into milk and clay and rocks into an outhouse and candy) by firing a beam out of what I call his "headpiece." Majin Buu can also stretch out his bodyparts to wrap around people and strangle or squeeze them. I call this ability his "goo" ability, being able to goo-ize any of his body parts to wrap around people, envelop people to absorb them, or turn himself into goo to go inside someone and blow them up. Majin Buu can also absorb others by either wrapping himself around someone (which we see Kid Buu do) or turning part of himself into a gooey substance that envelops the person and merges that substance with his body. Majin Buu also has an amazing regeneration ability. At first we are lead to believe that as long as just one tiny piece of him remains he can reform, but we see (in Episode 259) that even if every piece is disintegrated, his aura can reform his body. This means a warrior must either have a blast powerful enough to destroy his body and aura, or, in Vegetto's case, just fire blasts powerful enough and quickly enough that he doesn't have time to regenerate or doesn't think to regenerate. Later on in the series, when Goku tests Kid Buu in a battle, he notices that Kid Buu has the best regeneration ability of all the Buu's. Majin Buu also has the power to break dimensional barriers. While he never learns how to use this ability at will, he is able to use it when he loses control of himself from being so angry. Majin Buu uses this dimensional ability twice: when he escapes the Room of Spirit and Time after Piccolo traps him there in Episode 260 and in an attempt to destroy the universe in Episode 270, when Super Saiya-jin Vegetto angers him to a breaking point.

Note: These forms of Majin Buu are in the order that we see them. For example: we see Kid Buu before we hear Kaioshin's story that shows Super Kid Buu. We also see the Majin Buu with Gotenks's power before we see the Majin Buu without the power of Gotenks, when their fusion runs out.

Fat Buu
     This is the first Majin Buu we are shown in Dragonball Z. He originally came about when Super Kid Buu (see the bottom of this table) absorbed Dai Kaioshin. After this, Buu's personality and looks drastically change. Buu takes on Dai Kaioshin's fat form, as well as his emotions and feelings. Buu's love for food is born with this form, he obeys orders more often (since he can be bribed with food), and is capable of feeling good emotions like happiness, joy, and even love. Somewhere down the line, Bibidi seals Majin Buu in an egg, later to be released by his son, Babidi. When Majin Buu is first born from his egg, Babidi orders him to harm such opponents as Kaioshin, Gohan, Darbura, and Vegeta. After a while of being ordered around and insulted by Babidi in the pursuit of Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo, Buu gets fed up with Babidi and kills him.
     Majin Buu celebrates his freedom by destroying cities all over the world and building his own house. Eventually, Mr. Satan goes to his house, winds up becoming his servant (out of fear of being killed), and convinces Majin Buu to not kill or destroy things anymore. After adopting a dog that they both fall in love with, Buu and Mr. Satan become good friends as Mr. Satan sees that Buu has good in him.
     Unfortunately, a very evil man who takes delight in killing shoots Buu's dog. Mr. Satan manages to knock the man out and his partner before Majin Buu gets too angry. Luckily, their dog is still alive and Buu heals it. A while later, the man comes into Buu's home, shoots Mr. Satan, and leaves. Buu manages to heal Mr. Satan before he dies, even though his anger is about to overload, and has Mr. Satan take the dog and leave. Buu then releases his anger and evil into a tangible form, which turns into what I've termed: Evil, Thin Majin Buu. We see Fat Majin Buu later when he's spit out by Kid Buu, fights Kid Buu, and winds up living a normal (if you can call it that) life on the Earth, walking along the streets and eating ice cream, hanging out with Goku and the others, or participating in Tenka'ichi Budokais.
Fat Buu
233-255, 282-291

Thin Buu
    This Majin Buu is formed when fat Buu releases all of his anger and evil into a tangible form. Unfortunately, most of fat Buu's power went into this form, so when the two fight the thin Buu is easily able to block fat Buu's attacks. As a last resort, fat Buu tries to turn thin Buu into chocolate, but thin Buu blows the beam back, causing fat Buu to turn into chocolate instead. When thin Buu eats this chocolate, he gives it special treatment and absorbs it into his system. This transforms thin Buu into what I've termed: Form 1 Evil Majin Buu.
Thin Buu

Evil Buu: Form 1
    We see this Majin Buu for quite a while in Dragonball Z. This is the first Buu that is able to sense ki. As soon as he comes into existance, he powers up and flies to Kami-sama's Palace. This Buu is powerful enough to give Super Saiya-jin 3 Gotenks a good fight, but is easily defeated by Gohan. This Buu isn't stupid though, he listened in on Gotenks and Piccolo to find out that Gotenks could only stay fused for 30 minutes and it would take an hour before Goten and Trunks could fuse again. Buu knew that he could defeat Gohan by absorbing Gotenks and the only way he could do that was to give Goten and Trunks an hour. Then, after running away under the cover of an explosion and hiding his ki, Buu waited until the hour was up. He then flew to where everyone was, challenged Gotenks, and absorbed him, giving him the most time possible to use Gotenks's power.
Evil Buu: Form 1
255-265, 275-276

Evil Buu: Form 2
     Majin Buu transforms into this form when he absorbs Super Saiya-jin 3 Gotenks and Piccolo. Not only is Buu given a huge boost in power from absorbing Gotenks, but a boost in intelligence from absorbing Piccolo. Majin Buu becomes this form with the sole purpose to defeat Gohan and become the strongest warrior in the universe. Buu even tells this to Gohan, that he didn't just absorb Gohan because he wanted a worthy opponent to face before he reigned supreme in the universe. This form is last seen when Gotenks's fusion runs out. This brings us to Evil Buu: Form 3.
Evil Buu: Form 2

Evil Buu: Form 3
    Along with Super Kid Buu, this is the form of Majin Buu that we see the least. This form first comes about when Gotenks's fusion runs out while Evil Buu: Form 2 is fighting Super Saiya-jin 3 Goku. Unfortunately, Buu had insurance for this predicament, having left a piece of him on the ground to sneak up behind Gohan, envelop him, and absorb him. This form is seen again when Goku and Vegeta release Goten and Trunks inside of Majin Buu. After that, Goku and Vegeta release Piccolo, which causes Buu to revert to Evil Buu: Form 1. After that, we never see this form again.
Evil Buu: Form 3
267, 275

Evil Buu: Form 4
    This form first comes about when Majin Buu absorbs Gohan, probably doubling his power from Evil Form 2. Goku and Vegeta have a tough time with this form but Goku eventually convinces Vegeta to use the Potara with him to form Vegetto. Vegetto is fairly stronger than this form of Majin Buu, but Super Saiya-jin Vegetto is in a whole different league. SSJ Vegetto messes around with Buu for a long time, trying to get him to absorb him so that he can put up a barrier, invade Buu's body, and release Gohan and the others. When Buu's in this form, it's the second and last time that he uses his dimensional barrier breaking technique, almost destroying the universe in the process. Luckily, Super Saiya-jin Vegetto breaks through his energy shield and knocks him back into his senses. This form is never seen again after Goten and Trunks are pulled out of Buu's system.
Evil Buu: Form 4

Kid Buu
    This is actually Majin Buu's original form, arguably what Majin Buu looked like when he was first created by Bibidi. Majin Buu becomes this form when Vegeta rips fat Buu out of his system. What's strange is the fat Majin Buu doesn't leave the evil Buu's body until he's forced to. In Episode 282, Kid Buu spits fat Buu out when he realizes fat Buu is preventing him from attacking Mr. Satan. Although it is sometimes stated that this Buu is the strongest of them all, I am hesitant to believe that. Super Saiya-jin 3 Goku is able to stun this Buu quite a bit, not hurt him real bad, but put up quite a good fight. When Super Saiya-jin 3 Goku fought against Evil Majin Buu: Form 4, his attacks didn't phase Buu one bit. But what is definite is that this Buu is the evilest of all. He is unable to feel any good emotions, since he received those emotions from absorbing Dai Kaioshin to become fat Buu. Kid Buu doesn't even hesitate to destroy planets and isn't as concerned with being the most powerful in the universe as Form 4 Evil Buu was; he's more concerned with destroying everything than reigning supreme. This form has improved speed due to his shape and he is able to regenerate much faster than any other Buu's. This Buu is the final stage of Majin Buu that we see. He is killed by Goku's Super Genki-dama in Episode 286.
Kid Buu

Super Kid Buu
     This form is only seen for a short amount of time: when Kaioshin tells about when Kaioshin Kai was attacked by Kid Buu and right before Form 1 Evil Buu transforms into Kid Buu. What makes this form different from Kid Buu is the humongous muscles.
     In theory, Kid Buu is Super Kid Buu but with controlled muscle tone. Kid Buu loses this super powerful looking form when he absorbs Dai Kaioshin to become Fat Buu. Kid Buu probably doesn't keep this muscular form for the same reason that Goku explains to Trunks in the Cell Saga: by keeping your muscle mass down you can achieve greater speeds and improve your dodging abilities.
Super Kid Buu
267, 277

     Right before Goku finished Kid Buu off with the Super Genki-dama, he wished that Buu would be reincarnated as a good person so that they could fight again to see who's stronger. Enma Dai-o heard this wish and made it come true. As Goku trained by himself one day, he sensed a great power and knew it had to be the reincarnated Buu. No one else sensed it because they weren't looking for it and Uubu usually supresses his ki.
     Uubu was born after Kid Buu died and lives on a small, southern island. When a Tenka'ichi Budokai came around when he was ten, he decided to join to use the prize money to get lots of food for his village. Uubu is a very humble, polite kid, but looks thin and weak. When he gets to the tournament, he is very nervous of the large crowd and tough looking fighters. Goku has Majin Buu use his magic so that he and Uubu would draw numbers that would set them up to fight in their first finals match. Goku realizes that it won't be much of a fight if Uubu is nervous and afraid, so he makes fun of Uubu and insults his parents to get him riled up for battle. When Goku almost wins against Uubu, he saves him from falling to the ground. Realizing his fall meant Uubu didn't know how to fly, Goku decides it's time to train Uubu.
     After telling everyone what he's going to do, Goku gets Uubu to climb on his back and they take off to Uubu's house, where Goku can train him and teach him how to fight. There are two reasons why Goku does this: 1) so Uubu can protect the Earth in the future and 2) so that Uubu will be more of a challenge to fight when they battle (for fun) again to see who's stronger.

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Section created: 8/7/02 | Section updated: 12/14/04

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